- 以下条款和条件将管理百乐礼赏计划(“条款与条件”)。
- 已阅读、理解并接受这些条款与条件;
- 已同意百乐酒店集团及其附属公司、参与酒店及其授权的第三方代理处理其个人数据,用于会员记录的管理,或用于与宾客服务、广告、营销和沟通相关的目的,并根据百乐礼赏计划的隐私政策(https://www.parkhotelgroup.com/privacy-policy)向第三方披露这些数据;并
- 已确认并承认,百乐礼赏计划所获得的任何奖励和福利不违反其公司适用的法律和礼品或激励政策。
- 免费房间;
- 通过旅游代理商、批发商、在线旅行渠道、活动组织者或其他代理商预订的房间;
- 作为活动、会议、会议或组织旅游的一部分,以团体价预订的房间,且该住宿费用未直接支付给参与酒店;
- 如航空公司机组人员等以折扣价预订的房间;
- 超过7天的长期住宿。
- 从事专业旅游代理商、旅行社、会议组织者、目的地管理公司或其他目前从参与酒店获得费用、佣金或激励的组织;以及
- 政府机构和/或拥有政府股权的公司。
- 免费菜品和/或饮品
- 信用卡优惠
- The Entertainer优惠券
- 会员积分将根据会员类型和等级以及符合条件的消费授予。请参阅下表以获取详细信息:
类型 |
企业会员 |
要求 |
要求 | 加入忠诚度计划需要事先批准 |
赚取率 |
每消费1新加坡元符合条件的费用,将授予1个百乐礼赏积分。 |
类型 |
生活方式会员 |
等级 |
会员等级 |
内行会员等级 |
大使会员等级 |
要求 |
开放给所有人。无需批准 |
过去12个月内15晚合资格住宿或符合条件消费10000新加坡元 |
过去12个月内30晚合资格住宿或符合条件消费25000新加坡元 |
赚取率 |
每消费1新加坡元符合条件的费用,将授予1个百乐礼赏积分 |
每消费1新加坡元符合条件的费用,将授予2个百乐礼赏积分。 |
每消费1新加坡元符合条件的费用,将授予3个百乐礼赏积分。 |
Park Rewards Points will be credited to the Park Rewards Member within 24 hours after the guest has checked out from the Participating Hotel and within 28 days after payment of food & beverages. A Park Rewards Member may earn higher points for room reservations confirmed during promotional events by the Participating Hotels.
To ensure the accurate record of membership points, Park Rewards Member must quote his email address at the time of room reservation and/or before making payment for food & beverages. The Park Rewards Programme will not accept any responsibility for points not credited to a Park Rewards Member because of a Park Rewards Member’s failure to provide the correct registered membership email upon room reservation and/or before making payment for food & beverage
Park Rewards points can be awarded to a single Park Rewards Member for as many as possible per stay where the Park Rewards Member must be a registered guest in one of the rooms.
Points will not be issued for Qualifying Spend made prior to programme participation.
Should there be any dispute; the Park Rewards Member must notify the PHG and provide supporting documents within 14 days of guest's departure and/or dining payment from the Participating Hotel. PHG reserves the right to make all final decisions in the event of dispute.
Points earned are available for use only in redemption of rewards under the Park Rewards Programme. Membership points do not bear monetary value and cannot be exchanged for cash or in kind.
- Foreign Exchange
- 250 Bonus Points
The amount of points earned at a Participating Hotel where a non-SGD currency is used will be calculated based on Qualifying Room Rate converted to SGD dollars at the exchange rate selected by the Participating Hotel.
To qualify for 250 bonus Park Rewards points, a new reservation must be made using a dedicated promo code. Reservation made must be for a qualifying room rate. Bonus points will be issued to account within 28 days of check-out.
Park Rewards member may redeem points to offset room rates on your next holiday or to purchase vouchers from our redemption catalogue available on the guest portal.
Upon submitting their redemption request, the Park Rewards Member is deemed to have read, understood and agreed to the terms and conditions governing the redemption. Redemption request is strictly irrevocable once it has been submitted. The Park Rewards Member will be notified by email upon successful redemption.
Park Rewards Points cannot be exchanged for cash and the reward vouchers issued are not refundable, returnable, exchangeable or replaceable in the event of expiry, loss or damage.
Park Rewards Points have no expiry date for active Park Rewards Members. A Park Rewards Member becomes inactive if there is no redemption or new points earned during a 12-month period. His remaining membership points will be forfeited.
PHG shall not be required to notify the Park Rewards Member of any forfeiture of membership points and shall have no liability for such cancellation.
A Park Rewards Member may access his account via https://www.parkhotelgroup.com/login to view his Park Rewards points transactions, history and to update his personal details and preferences.
The Park Rewards Programme may from time to time email offers, promotions and other communications to the Park Rewards Members.
Should a Park Rewards Member leave his employing company, he has to inform PHG to amend the registered email address so as to retain the membership points balance.
A Park Rewards Member may authorise the transfer of a preferred number of points (up to a maximum 100,000 points per transaction) into another designated Member's account with an administrative fee of 1,000 points per transfer. All transfer request cannot be cancelled or refunded once requested. After the transfer request is received and processed, the transferor relinquishes all rights to the transferred membership points subject to local laws.
To authorise this request, Member is required to write in to the programme administrator here (hello@parkrewards.com).
Eligibility to participate in the Park Rewards Programme
A Park Rewards Member who is an individual shall by accepting the award of any membership points or in submitting a request to redeem points for rewards under the Park Rewards Programme acknowledges and confirms that he is eligible to receive the points rewards under the applicable laws and gift or incentive policies of his employer. He further confirms that PHG may accept and act on any instruction or request made by or on behalf of him without reference to his company.
Modification to the Park Rewards Programme
PHG may at its sole discretion modify or suspend the Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice to the Park Rewards Members.
Termination of the Park Rewards Programme
PHG may at its sole discretion terminate the Park Rewards Programme with 3-months’ advance notice to all active Park Rewards Members. If the Park Rewards Programme is terminated, all unredeemed membership points will be forfeited after the conclusion of the notice period without any obligation or liability on PHG and the Participating Hotels. PHG may terminate the Park Rewards Programme in whole or in part, in any jurisdictions on less than three months' notice if required to do so by applicable law.
Exit of Participating Hotel
If a Participating Hotel exits the Park Rewards Programme for any reason, a Park Rewards Member will not earn points for stays at such Participating Hotel after the date on which the Participating Hotel exited the Park Rewards Programme, even if the reservation for a stay at the Participating Hotel was made prior to that date.
No Warranties or Representations, Express or Implied
PHG makes no warranties or representations, either expressed or implied with respect to type, quality or fitness of the goods or services provided through the Park Rewards Programme or by the Participating Hotels.
Not Responsible for Acts, Errors, or Omissions
PHG is not responsible for: (a) any loss or misdirection of, or delay in receiving, any Park Rewards member application, correspondence or redemption request; (b) theft or unauthorised redemption of membership points, (c) any acts or omissions of third parties; or (d) any errors published in relation to the Park Rewards Programme, including, without limitation, any pricing or typographical errors, errors of description, errors regarding any Participating Hotels, and errors in the crediting or debiting of Park Rewards points from Park Rewards Member accounts. PHG reserves the right to correct, without notice, any errors.
PHG's waiver of any breach of these Terms and Conditions by any Park Rewards Member will not constitute a waiver of any other prior or subsequent breach of these Terms and Conditions. PHG's failure to insist upon strict compliance with these Terms and Conditions by any Park Rewards Member will not be deemed a waiver of any rights or remedies that PHG may have against that, or any other, Park Rewards Member.
Limitation of Liability
In no event will PHG or any Participating Hotel be liable for any direct, indirect, special, exemplary, punitive, incidental or consequential damages of any kind, whether based in contract, tort or otherwise which arise out of or are in any way connected with the Park Rewards Programme or these Terms and Conditions.
Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
This Agreement shall be construed under and governed by the laws of the Republic of Singapore. Any disputes arising out of or related to the Park Rewards Programme or these Terms and Conditions will be handled individually without any class action, and will be governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Singapore, without regard to its conflicts of law rules. The exclusive jurisdiction for any claim or action arising out of or relating to these Terms and Conditions or the Park Rewards Programme may be filed only in courts of the Republic of Singapore.
Subject to Law
Membership in the Park Rewards Programme and the earning and redeeming of points are subject to all applicable local laws and regulations. Membership in the Park Rewards Programme and Park Rewards Member benefits are offered in good faith; however, they may not be available if prohibited or restricted by applicable law or regulation in the Park Rewards Member's jurisdiction of residence. If any part of these Terms and Conditions is held to be unlawful or unenforceable, that part will be deemed deleted from these Terms and Conditions in such jurisdiction and the remaining provisions will remain in force.
Entire Agreement
The Terms and Conditions, together with those incorporated herein or referred to herein constitute the entire agreement between PHG and Park Rewards Members relating to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes any prior understandings or agreements (whether oral or written) regarding the subject matter, and may not be amended or modified except in writing or by making such amendments or modifications available on the Park Rewards Website.